The misdiagnosis of Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) results in late diagnosis and the late start of treatment, which has significant consequences on long-term outcomes. Our campaign goal is to mobilise the collective power of child healthcare professionals in spreading education among the medical communities, frontline healthcare professionals and especially our younger colleagues to ’think rare’ and avoid the misdiagnosis of MPS in Children.
Play your part in the Campaign by sharing our messages, tweets and support materials with your networks and colleagues. All materials are preprepared with easily downloadable images and base text that makes sharing messages quick and easy for you. If all members shared just one message with their network the overall impact of 45,000 healthcare professionals ‘thinking rare’ would make a huge difference in the diagnosis of MPS and the support provided to MPS patients and families across Europe.
Please volunteer to Become a Program Educator and organise an educational activity related to Misdiagnosis of Mucopolysaccharidosisand help the program's outreach. Work with us to present a webinar in English or in your national language, or to organise an educational activity in your facility.
You can also join the program network and help to mobilise the collective power of child healthcare professionals in spreading education among the medical communities, frontline healthcare professionals and especially our younger colleagues.