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Understand the path to the successful early referral and diagnosis of suspected
Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) in Children
The webinars are free to attend and a certificate of attendance will be provided by the Excellence in Pediatrics
Institute for those who will attend a session. Visit the links to each webinar below and
register to directly access the recorded session.
Prof. Roberto Giugliani (BR) and Dr Christina Lampe (GE)
Dr Julie Eisengart (US) and Prof. Roberto Giugliani (BR)
Dr Christina Lampe (GE) and Prof Barbara K Burton (US)
Dr Christina Lampe (University Hospital of Giessen, Germany)
Dr Carolina Fischinger (Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande del Sur, Brazil)
Dr Raymond Y. Wang Children's (Hospital of Orange County in Orange, California, United States)
Prof. Roberto Giugliani (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Prof. Maurizio Scarpa (Udine University Hospital, Italy)
Dr Christina Lampe (University Hospital of Giessen, Germany)
Prof. Paul Harmatz (University of California, United States)
Dr Christina Lampe, Prof. Adriana Montano
Dr Anna Sophie Hoffmann (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany)
Prof. Ana Maria Martins (Federal University of Sao Paulo)
Dr Bianca Link (Kinderspital Zurich, Switzerland)
Dr Christina Lampe (University Hospital of Giessen, Germany)
Dr Florian Lagler (Paracelsus Medical University, Austria)
Dr Stewart Rust (Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, UK)
Dr Simon Jones, Ms Jane Roberts
Dr Michaela Weigl, Mr Oskar Ahlberg
Dr Christina Lampe, Dr Heather Lau, Dr Dafne Horovitz, Prof. Maurizio Scarpa
Prof. Elizabeth Braunlin (University of Minnesota, United States)
Prof. Maurizio Scarpa (Udine University Hospital, Italy)
Dr Andrea Borgo (University General Hospital of Padua, Italy)
Dr Matthias Schafer, Prof. Mehmet Umut Akyol
Dr Christina Lampe (University Hospital of Giessen, Germany)
Dr Florian Lagler (Paracelsus Medical University, Austria)
Dr Alessandro Cattoni (San Gerardo University Hospital, Italy)
Dr Andrea Borgo (University General Hospital of Padua, Italy)
Prof. Mehmet Umut Akyol (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Dr Sylvia Kamphuis (University Medical Center Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Prof. Susanne Gerit-Kircher (Medical University of Vienna, Austria)
Prof. Rolando Cimaz (Meyer Pediatric Hospital, Italy)
Prof. Susanne Gerit-Kircher (Medical University of Vienna, Austria)
Prof. Athimalaipet Ramanan (Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, UK)
Prof. Maria Gizewska (Pomeranian Medical University, Poland)
Dr Vasilica Plaiasu (INSMC Alessandrescu-Rusescu, Romania)
Prof. Joseph Muenzer (University of North Carolina, United States)
Dr Amel Karaa (Harvard Medical School, United States)